Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gotta Love That Daughter of Mine!

Apparently, when Rachel was over here using my computer the other day, she decided to make a blog post for me!  It took me a few days to figure it out!  Some things never change :)
Well, yes, I am still alive!  It's been awhile since I've posted!  I have been busy with my grandsons, Shonna, my messy house, etc. 
Shonna is home for the summer, well, at least until the beg. of Aug.  Then she will go back to KC for another year of school at the International House of Prayer (IHOPU).  Today she sang on the worship team at church.  It's been awhile since she's been able to do that; it was good to see her back up on the stage.
The boys are doing great!  Charlie is gaining weight and is learning things fast!  Brennan is still a good little brother, but sometimes he gets a little tired of Charlie!  I still watch B often because C has had a lot of dr. appointments.  It'll be awhile before Charlie has any surgery though, there are other things they need to work on first. You can check out Rachel's blog (Love is Sugar Free) for more info on the boys. (Link is over there
I don't think about cancer much anymore. I do still get annoyed at the side effects I'm left with though.  I went over all the side effects in one of my last blogs. I think I forgot to add my sore shoulder though.  It has been stiff and sore since my mastectomy last May.  It got worse for awhile, but now it's slightly better.   It didn't hurt as bad when I had to lay it above my head for my last MUGA scan.  I was always going to get physical therapy for it, but I just haven't.  I think I'm just tired of medical appointments!  I still need to see the dentist too!  It's been over a year.  I see my primary doc on Thurs. to go over some things and get some blood tests.  Just routine stuff.  I haven't seen her in a long time.
I saw my oncologist the last time I was in for my Herceptin infusion.  My MUGA showed my heart is still doing good on the blood pressure med I am on.  I take the med not for high blood pressure, but because my heart function was decreasing from the Herceptin.  My onc was pleased with how well I was doing.  I will see him again when I have my last Herceptin in Aug.  I'll have another MUGA , ct scan, and bloodwork a few days before I see him.  Oh--speaking of bloodwork--my hemoglobin is finally back in the normal range!  The fist time since last April!  Everything else looked pretty good too--a few things out of whack yet, but nothing serious. 
It's been a year since my mastectomy--May 24th, 2010.  What a traumatic time that was!  I wish I could say that I'm used to it and it doesn't bother me anymore, but that's not entirely true.  It's, like my side effects, an annoyance.  I'm trying to find a good swimsuit now.  Insurance pays for bras and prosthetics, but not swimsuits, so it'll be expensive.  I just want one so I can go in the hot tub when we go to Duluth.   I did find some online, just haven't ordered yet. 
I have been seriously considering reconstruction, but that is a major surgery and I'm not sure I want to put myself through that. I will lose use of muscle, and the recovery is long.  I've put off any thought of that until next year.  If I decide I want recon, I can do it anytime I want, and insurance will pay for it.
When I went to see my onc I wanted him to say that I am "NED" (No Evidence of Disease).  I told the nurse that and I started choking up a bit.  She left the room and I started crying a bit--I had no idea I would be emotional about it!  Thankfully the doc took a while to come in and see me and I got myself under control, but I didn't want to bring it up and start crying!  So I didn't hear him say it, but since all my tests and scans have come back clear I am going to say I'm NED!!!
Time for bed!
May God bless each of you this week!

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