As most of you know, my daughter Rachel is in the process of adopting a 3 (almost 4!) year old boy from an Eastern Europe country. She is adopting through an organization called Reece's Rainbow. Most of the kids on their website have Down Syndrome, as does the little boy she is adopting. Rachel's papers (dossier) have been submitted in the country, so now she waits to find out that they were approved and what date she needs to be over there. Hopefully she and hubby will be traveling in 5-7 weeks! Well, my point in all of this is to tell you about the blog Rachel has started to advocate for orphans. She tells about many of them that desperately need families (and lets us know when they get their family!), and she lists many ways people can help. Many of us feel we aren't called to adopt, but there are so many other ways to help. Sharing her blog, giving financially to the kids (You can pick which one you want to help and donate directly to that child's fund!), and buying supplies for the orphanage are just a few ways you can help. These children are the "least of these" that Jesus talks about. They need our help. Ignoring them isn't an option. Please visit her blog, and if nothing else, pray for the children. Click HERE. Thank you!!
Now for a little update about me. I've had some tests lately, and so far, so good! I had an ultrasound to see what my ovaries are doing (I've had cysts in the past and we also wanted to see if things look menopausal), and some blood tests. The u/s showed that I still have a cyst, which seems to always be there, and we are going to check it again in 6 weeks. I heard the words "with your history" several times from my obgyn, and that is why we are watching things more carefully. I also had the ca-125 test, which is for ovarian cancer. It's only reliable if the number is high--then something is wrong. But if the # is normal, is doesn't mean you don't have cancer. We are pretty sure, though, that I don't have ovarian cancer...but with my history....sigh. We also did the FSH blood test which gives an idea if I am producing any estrogen. At the moment I am not, but that could be from radiation and chemo, so my menopause may not be permanent. There is no way to tell. In 6 weeks we might discuss having the ovaries removed--my obgyn seems to want that, but technically there is no reason other than something less to worry about. I'll have to take that up with God--I'm not sure removing body parts "just in case" (when it's not even a high risk) is something He would think is a good idea. We'll see. I'll discuss it with my onc this week too.
Monday I have a ct scan (I think chest, abdomen and pelvic area again), and a MUGA scan. The CT is for the colon cancer (to look for mets) and the MUGA is to check on my heart to make sure it's still functioning well. You may recall that my heart function decreased from the Herceptin, but the bp med (Enalapril) increased it. I see my onc on Wed., when I will have labs done and get my next Herceptin infusion. We'll discuss everything then.
I don't have my mammo and MRI scheduled yet, but they should be in April--then I will be declared cancer free! Can't wait!!
I complain about being poked, prodded, and nuked, but these tests do give me a sense of security. My onc wants me to have a ct scan every 6 months for awhile, and that's ok with me. Most of us that have had cancer worry about what might be going on in our body when we are not being tested!
I am still enjoying my time off, but not getting nearly as much done as I wanted! I seem to be pretty busy running here and there. Doc and test appointments take up a lot of time. I get frustrated sometimes with how tired I still feel. I'm still working on making exercise a routine. I do it only if I "have time", or "feel like it". It needs to happen more often!! Yeah, the dieting is not going so well either...
Oh--big news!! I went "topless" (with out a scarf) for the first time today! I went to the women's breakfast at church this morning and of course everyone noticed. Everyone was real nice and said I looked great! I knew the first time was going to be the hardest, because everyone would notice, so I just had to do it and get it over with! I felt really awkward at first. Too bad it's so darn cold! I hate the cold on my neck and ears!
Well, that's all for now! I'll update later this week, after seeing my oncologist on Wed.
Love and blessings!
That first time "bare" does seem a bit awkward at first. But, oh, it does feel good to have hair again!
ReplyDeleteoh, my! So much to pray about. Hope all the tests and doctor visits go well. And God bless the orphans and all those who minister to them!