Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2 Year Cancerversary

Sunday, February 6th, was 2 years since I first found out I had cancer.  That was the day I had the colonoscopy and the tumor was found.  Boy, how life changes when you hear "you have cancer"!!  You can read about what I've been through by clicking on the tab "My Journey" above.
I had my 14th Herceptin infusion last Wed. (the 2nd).  This one made me more tired than usual.  I'm not sure why.  I watched Brennan that afternoon, and thankfully Rich came home a little early from work to help out!  The next day I made it to Bible Study at 9:30, but I was still really tired.  And Friday I took mom to get groceries (she came home from Craig's on Wed. eve), still very tired!  It even lasted into the weekend.  Also, my stomach was a little upset, sort of gurgly, and moments of nausea.  So, in 3 weeks, when I get my next one, I won't plan ANYTHING for the 2 or 3 days after.  Except Bible study.
This Friday I have an ultrasound (for female troubles--some of which were caused by radiation--the gift that keeps on giving!), and the Mon. before my next Herceptin I have a CT scan (to make sure the colon cancer didn't spread anywhere) and a MUGA scan (for the heart to make sure the Herceptin isn't doing anymore damage).  Sometime in April I will have a mammo and mri, and hopefully after all those tests I will be declared NED (No Evidence of Disease)!!  That will be a happy day!!
Enough about me--Alyssa and Jaren are back from their mission trip.  It was a good trip and they both enjoyed it.  Alyssa took care of kids all week while the moms were in a Bible study (they used Beth Moore's Esther study), and Jaren helped pour concrete for the foundation of a new room.  There were a few nights that they had a Marriage conference also.  Both of them gave their testimony about their relationship, and Alyssa shared a bit of her testimony at the women's study.  I am so very proud of them both! 
Jaren is currently going to school to be a cop, while working for 2 of our nearby police departments as a Community Service Officer (CSO).  He is still a member of the Nat'l Guard, and spends 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks in the summer with them.  Hopefully no more trips to Iraq or Afghanistan!  He is a busy boy!
Alyssa is still a cheerleading coach, and decided to continue doing it next year too.  She loves the job and the girls she coaches!  She finished her Assoc. degree in Bus. Management and is looking for a part time job (anyone need a great receptionist or office worker? She has great customer service skills!)
Rachel submitted all her paperwork to the country of her little boy.  We are hoping it will be submitted to the judge (or whoever) on Thurs.  Then about 2 weeks after that, if it is approved, she will be contacted with the date to go over there!  We are getting closer!  Rich and I will have Brennan here while Rachel and Ken are overseas. We need to get his room ready!
Sat. Rachel and Ken had the flu, and I had to take Rachel to the ER around 11 pm.  She was getting very dehydrated.  Also, being diabetic, that can be dangerous.  So we went in and she got a couple of bags of fluids, they ran a few blood tests, and we got to go home.  I got home a little after 3am.  Needless to say, I didn't get up for church Sunday!(I did listen to the sermon online today--very good!)  That really threw me off!  I think I was either still feeling the effects of the Herceptin, or fighting off the flu myself.  We went to Alyssa's for the Superbowl, but left before it was done because I wasn't feeling well.  Still tired yesterday, but today I feel pretty good. Sadly, the Steelers lost.
We are trying to plan little trip to see Shonna in KC. We might go this weekend.  We want to go see all the Harry Truman stuff in Independence, Mo.  Rich and I toured his home about 20 years ago.  Shonna is a history buff, like us, and would like to see it too.  Her schedule is so busy that Sundays are about the only day she can do anything.
Mom and Dee are going to Mexico soon, for a vacation.  I could go, but it's not something I want to spend money on.  I'm saving my pennies for a Duluth vacation this summer on my birthday--remember I'm going to be cancer free for this birthday and I want to celebrate because the last 2 I was too sick!
Well, another long and rambling blog entry for you all. HI to my relatives!  Hope everyone is healthy and staying warm!
Love and blessings!
ps I put some new links on the side of my blog.  One of them is "This Little Light"  (on the blog list) and it's Rachel's blog for orphan advocacy--check it out! Also, her other blog is there too-"Love is sugar free".


  1. Congrats on your 2-year Cancerversary! Mine was in January! I'm so greatful to God for reaching this milestone. Here's to decades more!
    Bless you!

  2. Just found your blog. Congratulations on 2 years!

    God Bless you,
