Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Home From Surgery

I got home about 2 hours ago. Just been catching up with e-mails and on Facebook.
Surgery went just as expected--no surprises this time! I wasn't able to talk with the surgeon today, but saw his residents, who helped him in surgery. The surgeon (Dr. Morris), told Rich yesterday something about leaving behind some of the extra skin that may help with reconstruction. That's cool that he was thinking of that and doing what he could to help. I assume I'll eventually want some sort of reconstruction, but won't make any decisions on that until next year.
I'm not feeling much pain, so might just try one Percocet instead of 2 in a little while. Last night and early this morning I had a lot of pain when the nurse was "stripping" the drainage tube. It was causing suction on the inside. The nurse said sometimes that happens. It didn't hurt when she did it at noon though, but I made sure I had my pain meds first, just in case! Hopefully it won't hurt anymore at all.
Didn't sleep hardly at all last night--maybe an hour or 2, then a little 1/2 hour nap this morning. Most of the nurses and PCAs at Regions are really good, but I had this one PCA last night that left the door open after he checked my vitals at 11 last night. It was very noisy out in the hallway! Finally the nurse came in for something and when she was leaving asked if I wanted the door shut. Then this morning the same guy comes in to restock my towels at 5 am--seriously?!?! That couldn't have waited? And again he left my door open! Sheesh, you wonder sometimes why certain people even want that job. Everyone else there does what they can to make you comfortable and help you sleep.
As I was laying there last night I realized that I'm not afraid of surgery anymore. I was very upset to have this one, but I wasn't afraid of the actual procedure. My first major surgery was my colon resection last year. I was pretty scared! Now that I know what to expect, its not so bad.
Next Tues. I'll go back to see the surgeon for my post-op, and hopefully have the drain removed. Then they will set me up to see the prosthetic fitter, and a physical therapist for my arm/shoulder. Both are there (at Regions Breast Health Center) on Tuesdays, so I should be able to do both in one day. Tomorrow I have to call to make an appointment with Dr. J, my oncologist, and set up a time for chemo class. At that class they will go over all the side effects of the chemos I'll be getting, and they will give me info on getting a wig.
Until I get my prosthesis, I have some cushy pillow like things I can wear inside my cami or bra. I probably won't go anywhere until this weekend, and if I do go out then, I will try to wear a regular bra because the cami offers no support and it too warm to wear layers, like I did after the lumpectomy. This is going to be difficult until I get a mastectomy bra and fake breast! Oh well, if people want to stare, I guess that's their problem and not mine, right?
I'm not so sad anymore, now that its done. Nothing I can do about it now, so may as well get on with life!
Thanks for all the prayers and support! Here is the Bible verse God gave me before surgery (via a daily e-mail devotional):
"Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 (NLT)
That's all I needed to hear! How awesome is that?
Take care everyone!


  1. Love you, Tina!

  2. Hi Tina
    Glad you sailed through the surgery. Now the healing begins. I was walking around with one breast for the last year too. Tried the insert it slipped out got stuck in my turtleneck looked like I had a neck tumor hahaha. I don't even wear a bra. I used to worry about people starring but really who cares? My surgeon left that cgunk of skin too I opted no reconstruction. When I have my surgery in June she will remove it. Looks like a third boob under my arm.. Lol Take care Tina. Be blessed !! Alli xx

  3. A "mudder" indeed! And Victor over fear! - what more can be said about such a woman of valor? I think the Hebrew meaning for "Joshua" must have "Tina" in it somewhere! So good to hear things went well! We're continuing to pray. Love and blessings!!! Tom
