Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Platelets Still Too Low

No chemo today. My platelets actually went down, instead of up! The doc wants to wait a week, so we'll try again next Wed.
So, I have to get EVERYTHING done before then. Because if I get chemo next week, I'll be in a fog until Christmas Eve, and won't have any time to get anything else done. I'm a last minute person, so it'll be a challenge for me to get everything done that far in advance. :) Ugh--I forgot about Christmas cards--have to do them too. I better start making a list and plan out my days! I wanted to get a little baking done too.
The good side, of course, is I'm feeling good and getting some strength back. I'm not sure if that makes getting the next chemo round easier or harder. I was getting used to the sick and tired feeling--it'll be hard to go back to that now that I'm feeling better. But I'm determined to enjoy these extra days!
I do worry, just a little, that I'm not fighting the cancer hard enough. Not that there is anything I can do about it. I wish there was an easy way to build the platelets back up. I think my onc. said they are working on something.
Well, not much else to say!
Love and Blessings!


  1. I know you must be a bit disappointed that you are delayed. I certainly was when I missed chemo two different sessions. Remember, though, that God is in control of all things, and trust that He will work things out exactly as they should be. Bless you!

  2. Keep up the positive attitude!
